
Your best choice! League Of Legends & Valorant

League of Legends and Valorant account marketplace. Trade safely with us! Contact: [email protected] | Support Line: +90 553 188 4813 Secure Payment | Fast Delivery | ✅ Customer Satisfaction

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Our support teams are constantly working for you.

Periodic Updates

Our system provides periodic updates to ensure that you always have the latest features and improvements.

Positive Feedbacks

At RutakuSmurfs, we cherish positive feedback, as it fuels our commitment to excellence and superior service.

Happy Customers

At RutakuSmurfs, our joy comes from happy customers. We strive to create experiences that leave them satisfied and smiling.

Do you have any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, all products are sent immediately after purchase to your email.

We do not offer refunds for the products.

Please make sure it has been at least 15 minutes since your payment, if yes and your product is still not shipped, please contact us via our discord.

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Best accounts everrr

toto keke


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